Buzz Words
Due to Dr. Buzz’s extensive experience, both hands-on with clients and academic, his lingo can sometimes seem foreign to newbies. Here are some of his most widely-used technical words and phrases broken down into layman terms that make it easier to know what Buzz is talking about:
To be responsible or answerable to someone for meeting assigned expectations, as well as being able to explain it back in the same way.
Backward Design
A calculated process to achieve a desired long-term outcome by developing a plan that indicates the exact steps you must take in order to reach that goal by the target date.
A measurable substance in an organism whose presence is indicative of some phenomenon such as disease, infection, or environmental exposure i.e. mold.
Emotional Hacking
A state in which one’s intellectual reason is overwhelmed or taken over by the emotional part of the brain, thus impairing a person’s ability to respond intellectually and responsibly to the perception of stress or a threat.
A psycho-sensory technique that uses simple touch to permanently eliminate unwanted feelings, both somatic and emotional, from distressing memories and events.
The activation of stress hormones and amygdala reaction where a person experiences heightened activity, movement, unsettledness, and energy.
The physical makeup of a person’s biological and neuroanatomical makeup that determines the resilience or the vulnerability of one’s ability to endure stress to both the body and brain.
Multimodal Support
A means of supporting and/or communicating for one where all parties involved in the support are functioning responsibility, collaboratively, in a coordinated fashion in support of a common person or purpose.
The charting of steps to problem solve or plan and then step backward, offering interventions as needed.
Spect Imaging
Single-Photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT) scan is a nuclear imaging test that allows clinicians to investigate the internal functions of the brain using a radio- active tracers, a gamma camera, and 3 dimensional photos to support the same.
Stress Reaction
Behavioral manifestation resulting from a stressful experience where stress hormones and the sympathetic nervous system activates a fight, flight, freeze or fidget reaction.
The recognition or affirmation that a person and/or one’s feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile.
If you or your organization are ready to make the commitment of life-altering change, contact Dr. Buzz to discuss how to get started.